Why Social Media is Important for your Business in 2015
Even though platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have been around less than a decade, it is hard to imagine a life without them. Over and above how we as user’s engage with friends, family and business associates, these platforms are also changing how we network, interact with customers and sell our offerings.
Today, there is a clear divide between progressive businesses that are already on the social media game and businesses that refuse to accept changing business scenarios.
The CEOs are Evolving
While your business heads are busy organizing face to face meetings with potential clients and networking with the community, there are younger counterparts out there that are investing time looking up mutual connections on LinkedIn and pursuing number crunching activities to assess the success of their Twitter campaigns. Considering that a major part of your audience is now available on these social platforms, old-school businesses must find a way to reach out new generation of social media obsessed consumers.
Startups are Getting a Head start
Some of the most successful social media strategies are those developed by startups that have learned the importance of using technologies to gain an edge. While old school businesses are shelling our millions of dollars in sponsoring sporting events, the progressive ones are generating buzz by creating interesting viral content and encouraging audiences to share them on the internet.
With budgets being a constant concern for marketers, 2015 is the best time to pursue social media tactics that can be easily deployed without having to spend millions. While businesses work towards redefining themselves in this technology driven scenario, customers are critical to these changes. While it may not be the job of a CEO to spend all day posting insightful comments on social media pages, it is time they realize the importance of these tools in driving decisions come 2015.